Petty Officer First Class Tanner Willeg

Name Tanner Willeg

Position Former SB400 Crew member

Rank Petty Officer First Class


  • 16 Mission Posts

Last Post

Thu Mar 22nd, 2012 @ 6:34am

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Betazoid
Age 28

Physical Appearance

Height 163cm
Weight 105lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Black


Father T Willeg
Mother Belanus Sidhe
Brother(s) Taran Willeg
Sister(s) Christina Willeg, Mae Willeg

Personality & Traits

General Overview Personable, though sarcastic, Tanner's never afraid to say what she's thinking, even if nobody's listening. She often talks not only to herself, but also to machines, equipment, and empty rooms, and doesn't mind anyone who catches her at it. She has a temper, which tends to arise suddenly, but it generally dissipates just as quickly.
Strengths & Weaknesses If Tanner believes she's right, she can be extremely stubborn, and doesn't hesitate to state and/or explain her case until whoever dared to disagree gives in. On the one hand, she usually has enough support to support her bull-headedness, on the other, she can be a pain in the ass.

Tanner always had a hard time learning how 'a device' worked, taking much longer than the norm to learns the ins and outs of engineering. However, she found it much easier when she realized that she didn't need to know how the device worked, if she understood how it's pieces functioned. Though a round-about way of figuring something out, she ended up with a talent for trouble-shooting, always knowing what to substitute or how to temporarily rig something in a pinch.

Thanks to her isolated childhood followed by her drifter teenage years, Tanner has few real friends. She's outgoing and friendly, but doesn't give her trust easily. Once she does make friends, however, she's fiercely loyal. She would follow a good friend into almost any situation, be it a vacation or a fight, and would come out of it in the end without regrets.
Ambitions To take apart and put back together...everything.
Hobbies & Interests Tanner loves to dance and to bake, and can often be found doing both at once. She also holds to the theory that a good cookie can be used to bribe people.
Languages Federation standard, a handful of words and phrases in klingon

Personal History *Upbringing: A Backwards Betazoid:

Tanner was raised on Betazed by her father, a man who’s best qualities include a lack of conformity and a love of women. On a planet consisting of lush forests and vegetation, Tanner’s childhood home sat, like a neglected lot, in the middle of a plot of rutted grass. Just as he’d forgotten to tend to his home and land, the elder Willeg often forgot to take care of his daughter.

Because of this nonchalant attitude, it went largely unnoticed when Tanner
came of age and gained her telepathic abilities. While other children were becoming able to speak to one another telepathically, Tanner began blocking them out. The young girl who was content to repair the broken down tractors her father had acquired as a hobby and forgotten as quickly
as everything else, became more only more oddity as others began to realize that it wasn’t that Tanner couldn’t seem to hear them.

Under the guise of having ‘special needs,’ Tanner underwent a number of tests and courses as the planet of understanding attempted to understand a child who’s mental abilities who not only wasn’t hearing them, but they couldn’t tap into either.

*Transition: A Hop, Skip, and a Jump:

Leaving Betazed was an easy decision, and Tanner did so as soon as she was able. Whether she’d admit to it or not (and most likely she wouldn’t), Tanner had gained two things from her father: A tendency to rebel against conformity and a streak of charm. It was the former that pushed her to ditch the class trip and make her way to the docking pier, and the latter that got her onto a ship.

It didn’t take long for Tanner to realize that while she could talk herself onto a shuttle or runabout, eventually, people wanted something more from her than a smile. She made her way from one place to the next scrubbing hulls, carting crates, cooking meals or anything else that could
gain her access and transport to the next place. She spent several years
going from one place to the next, living on luck more often than not, searching for the next temporary job, a way to get the next meal, and
always searching for the next big adventure.

In the time Tanner had spent going from one place to the next, she learned
two things: Though the universe was vast and the people in it were varied,
it was a far easier place to live in than the isolation of her childhood home. And nothing is free.

Despite the backlash she’d received as a child, Tanner discovered that while she’d been led to believe she was different, she wasn’t lacking the ability to read the thoughts of those around her. She simply chose not to more often than not. And whether it was a talent, a genetic fluke, or a product of growing up in isolation, her ability to block out the thoughts of others wasn’t an issue in a larger world where most people didn’t notice.

*Starfleet: A Matter of Trust:

Carl Foster was a fool. The Federation could say what they like, but Tanner still knew...nothing is free. Of course, the enlisted officer of Starfleet thought otherwise. He was one of those anomalies that thought a good turn deserves a good deed or something like that. Tanner took the opportunity to hitch a ride on a Starfleet shuttle as a much needed vacation. There was, after all, nothing better than catching one of those rare rides with an idealistic dupe.

That’s what she’d been thinking just before the shuttle had shot through a wormhole and ended up in the Gamma Quadrant. Tanner hadn’t been through a wormhole before. Though she knew they existed, she hadn’t fully understood the allure, but upon seeing one, she was instantly enamored. The idea that you could go such a distance and it was just as simple as closing your eyes and wishing yourself somewhere else.

Of course, first you had to know where it was, or how to find it. Despite
her original thoughts that he was a fool, Tanner wasn’t one to pass up an opportunity. She used Foster’s help to learn everything she could, and eventually became friends with the engineer and enlisted.