Lieutenant JG Chelsea Nelson

Name Chelsea Hart- Nelson MD

Position Former SB400 Crew member

Rank Lieutenant JG

Last Post

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Half Human, Half Bajoran
Age 33

Physical Appearance

Height 5'8"
Weight 128lbs
Hair Color Auburn Red
Eye Color Green-Hazel
Physical Description Chelsea has long Auburn-red hair and green-hazel eyes, with slight Bajoran ridges at bridge of her nose.


Spouse divorced from Ben Nelson
Children None
Father Amoran, Sensat (Deceased)
Mother Sarah Hart
Brother(s) Half-brothers from Father's previous marriage:

Amoran, Shektal & Amoran Seizal
Sister(s) Hslf-sister, as above: Amoran, Sierra
Other Family Grandfather: Captain Peter Hart (Retired)
Grandmother: Counsellor Marielle Hart (also Retired)

Personality & Traits

General Overview With a bright, sunny disposition, Chelsea smiles readily and to her, life is a cup half full. She cares deeply and can be emotional. She retains her childlike sense of fun and has a rather mischievous sense of humour but her Starfleet training is usually enough of an inner-parent to guide her out of trouble
Strengths & Weaknesses Chelsea cares deeply and can be emotionally involved with her patients’ progress if it is going wrong in particular but she has the strength of her losses in her life which helps her to retain philosophical foundation stones if needed.
She has a great sense of fun which can be a tiny bit childlike but her same childlike spark and enjoyment is infectious and can lighten up atmospheres, parties and social events.

Chelsea is fiercely loyal once her love/friendship is given and is dedicated in her work ethics.
Ambitions Chelsea would like to expand her work to a Starbase with its diversity of types of inhabitants and therefore patients. She also wishes to do more with her basic major of genetics and has begun to expand into AI and symbiont medicines too.
Hobbies & Interests Chelsea plays Parrises Squares and does quite well. She entered a tournament on her last ship and came high in the results chart. She also plays 3-D chess as she finds it demands so much of her mind that it allows her to switch off, in fact it forces her to, in order to think in so many directions at once. She also loves music. She has a vast collection of ancient and modern music and can play piano with some skill and talent.
Languages Federation Standard, Bajoran and some very basic Cardassian due to her connections and work on Bajor.

Personal History Chelsea was born to a Terran mother by a Bajoran father who died when she was 6. Her mother returned to Earth to her family who helped to raise Chelsea so her Bajoran name and Bajoran roots had largely faded into her past. As a teenager she did some research into her father's people but her maternal Grandfather was a retired Starfleet Captain and was bent on her going to the Starfleet Academy. Chelsea had no objection on condition that she could specialise in Medicine for which she had shown an aptitude at college, and as such she was too absorbed in her career and studies to take a long intended trip to Bajor until she was in her late 20s.

Service Record Chelsea began her medical training at Starfleet's Cochran University Hospital in San Fransisco, and went on to spend her Registrar years in situ on the USS Rennaisance, a Galaxy Class ship with a large medical section where she was encouraged to undertake a research project as part of her specialty. She chose genetics and was awarded the Pallanski Prize for Most Promising Medical Progress.

Once fully qualified as a Ship's Surgeon at the age of 28, Chelsea took a year's secondment to finally visit Bajor, where she practiced in the Ilivian Medical Complex. Returning to active Starfleet duty, she joined the USS Venture, a Defiant Class starship, and was promoted to Lt (jg), the posting reuniting her with her Academy sweetheart, Ben Nelson whom she married a year later.

Having added three more years' practical experience and a further promotion to Lieutenant, Chelsea was appointed Assistant Chief Medical Officer on the USS Taurus, but her ambition has always been to work on a Starbase and she is applying to Starbase 400 for an exciting new challenge (particularly in the light of the recent break up of her 2 year marriage to Ben, that had left her much in need of a fresh start).
Simming History 15+ years experience in Star Trek RPG PBEM - 5 of which were in AQSG’s (Alpha Quadrant Sim Group) 7th ‘Omega’ Fleet; 8th ‘Dawnspring’ Fleet and 3rd “Thunderers” Fleet; 2 concurrent yrs in forum & Live-chat LotR rpg, & 6 years in the Obsidian Fleet plus several concurrent Independent Sims.

Including past and present Primary Characters (for which there still exist bios) & PNPCs on:

AQSG: Admiralty of 7th Fleet (Rr Adml, 4yrs service) USSs Oblivion, Damocles(XO), Patriot, Robert-April-b, Ventures-A+B, Stevenage, Valley, Renaissance and SB Aurora (CO);
Independents & Misc: USS’s Valiant, Penance (XO), Black Pearl (XO), Exeter, Wasp-B, Justice and Endeavour-C
Plus Stabases: SB Omega (CO), Langley, SB514 Sanctuary, Protector & Colony of New Damascus
Theta Fleet: SB Phoenix & Inti Colony
Bravo Fleet: SB 99
Horizon Fleet: USS’s Mariner & Taurus
Farpoint Fleet: USS’s Horatio Nelson and Ranger
United Fleet: USS’s Sentinel (2CO), Merlin, & Ozymandias (XO)
Obsidian Fleet: DS5 – Sim moved to Theta Fleet 4-5yrs ago (currently Cmdr rank & CMO, 10+ Yrs service), USS Shanghai (now gone independent – 3rd Officer), USS Illustrious (3rd Officer, Lt Cmdr rank)

Having held Commissioned ranks ranging from Rear Admiral to Cadet & Non-Coms of CPO & PO – all in positions which have ranged from AQSG’s 7th Fleet’s X-O to a Cadet fresh out of the Academy, I encompassed a couple of Captains and several Commanders & Lt. Cmdrs along the way.

With characters in varying sized and status of ships, starbases, colonies, in ten different fleets or groups over short and/or long periods of time, with an average of 3-4 ongoing at any one time, depending on the pace and activity of each, I have a lot of Sim experience.

I have written a range of various characters which has included some male but more often female; all part-human but mostly with mixed genetics, including part Bajoran, Betazoid, Klingon, Romulan, BaKu, Bolian, Angosian, Denobulan and even a part AI for a short while.
How did you hear about Starbase 400 I was recommended to join by Tommy Pellegrino with whom I have simmed extensively in the past and who has been a good friend.