Lieutenant JG Lunara Hol

Name Lunara Hol

Position Former SB400 Crew member

Rank Lieutenant JG


  • 2 Mission Posts

Last Post

Thu Dec 3rd, 2020 @ 3:59pm

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Trill (Joined)
Age 23

Physical Appearance

Height 5'4"
Weight 120 lbs
Hair Color Strawberry Blonde
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Short in stature and with a slim build, Lunara is smaller than either of her previous hosts, a cause of annoyance to her. Given her small build, she's not able to take blows very well, however this is compensated for with natural agility and reflexes.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Yadan Imirea
Mother Nyma Imirea
Brother(s) 1 Older
Sister(s) 1 Younger

Personality & Traits

General Overview Ever cheerful, Lunara is the third host to the Hol symbiont. She has the same bright energy as her first host, Jalen, bordering on hyperactivity when she gets excited about something. She also inherited his intense curiosity, which causes her to come across as nosy at times. However, she also tends to act much more modestly and cautiously than either of her previous hosts. Perim Hol, the second host, had an extremely strong and indomitable spirit which Lunara tries to draw on. She developed a habit of crossing her arms over her abdomen after she was joined.
She’s normally bright, chipper, and compassionate, however she’s prone to bouts of melancholy and wistfulness when remembering the past and friends that are no longer with her. Currently she's a bit distant, as she doesn't want to go through the pain of losing most of her close friends to old age again.

Perhaps fitting for a counselor, she can be driven by emotions, perhaps too much, as they can sometimes cloud her judgement. She can be a bit of a teasing flirt, a trait inherited from her first host, Jalen. However, she usually doesn't mean anything by it. She typically dresses in more "boyish" clothes, preferring shorts to skirts and shoes to heels.

Fully aware of what it's like to be on the other side of the counselor's desk, she tries to make regular checkups as painless as she can for other crewmembers.
Strengths & Weaknesses Lunara possesses superb agility, speed, and reflexes. Additionally, her joined nature allows her to draw from a wide range of experiences over two full lifetimes. She's typically fairly composed, but prone to rash decisions every now and then. Additionally, while her movement skills are good, her physical strength is lacking. She isn't particularly strong or staminal, and her small frame means she can't take blows very well. Additionally, her symbiont is a weak point, and any blow to her abdomen will leave her dazed at the very least.
Hobbies & Interests Enjoys reading, action movies, and tinkering with things
Languages Trill, Standard, Basic Betazoid

Personal History Born in 2372 to Yadan and Nyma Imirea, Lunara is the middle child of two other siblings. Her brother is a musician, and her sister is studying botany on Bolia. She lived a relatively normal life growing up. The community she called home was a small one on the main continent's northwestern coast, going by the name of Banzen Tav. Owing to the town's remoteness, she quickly became used to hard work. She was a compassionate child, if headstrong and reckless at times. Most of the kids on her street were boys, so she picked up many of their mannerisms while playing with them. At the age of 18, Lunara was accepted into the Betazed Institute of Psychology to study interspecies psychology. She was, of course, ecstatic to have been accepted into such a prestigious institution, however the thought of leaving home behind gave her pause. She had rarely gone off world as a young girl, and the thought of leaving home behind scared her. Nonetheless, she accepted the invitation and packed her bags for Betazed- though she still called back home regularly and visited as often as she could. While there, she was fascinated by the specialty courses on trauma and loss, as well as stress reactions. Additionally, she took several courses, originally designed for Betazoids born without empathic abilities, that trained her to pick up on subtle cues and microexpressions. She earned an advanced degree at 22 and applied to the Symbiosis Commission. After a grueling selection process, she just made the cut and joined with the young Hol symbiont. She no intention of joining Starfleet before being joined, instead wanting to go back home to Trill to start her own practice in her hometown. However, once she was joined, she got Jalen's memories of all the maladjusted members of the Legacy. Her strong sense of compassion kicked in, and, determined to go where she felt she would be needed most, decided to go through Starfleet Officer Candidate School. She had no plans for what to do after the fact, and is still trying to figure it out today. She graduated OCS, was accepted into Starfleet and was assigned to a posting on the edge of space at her express request.

Past Hosts
Jalen Hol: 2272-23XX

An engineer on the USS Legacy in the late 23rd century (2270s). As the Legacy was one of the more eventful ships, he saw many different adventures, including, among other things, an instance of time travel. After an incident where he was captured by pirates, and his symbiont was forcefully removed, he developed an aversion to touch anywhere on his abdomen, and began crossing his arms over his chest to feel more secure. Due to his experiences with Starfleet Intelligence, and their morally grey actions, he developed a sense of distrust and disillusionment with the Federation, opposing Trill’s entry. He was a career officer, and earned the following distinctions:
Starfleet Medal of Commendation for rescue of officers from a hostile force
Purple Heart x6
Prisoner of War medal x2
Combat Action Ribbon x15
First Contact Medal with 2 devices
Klingon Campaign Medal
Anti-Piracy Operations Ribbon
Distinguished Ship Award
Extended Tour Citation

Perim Hol: 23XX-2395
An actress. Starred in several successful movies, mostly action flicks. Also enjoyed theater, particularly Vulcan theater, although Lunara finds it incredibly boring. Also served as a technical advisor for films involving 23rd century Starfleet. Had a strong, indomitable spirit, which Lunara tries to draw on. Went on several USO tours during the Dominion War. Realized the necessity of the Federation in their defense against the Dominion.
Service Record 2296 - Graduated from Starfleet OCS, awaiting a posting.
Simming History Been doing Star Trek RP for almost 10 years now, most of them with an independent group called Legacy. Played a character called Jalen Hol, the first host of the symbiont now inside Lunara.
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