Ra Graline

Name Graline

Position Krazzle Emperor

Rank Ra


  • 1 Mission Posts

Last Post

Fri Apr 24th, 2015 @ 7:11pm

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Krazzle
Age 64

Physical Appearance

Height 6' 6"
Weight 269
Hair Color Tan and Dark Orange
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description A physically imposing presence. Tall, strong. Keeps fur clean and trim. Well dressed. Even though he is the Emperor of the Krazzle, he retains his rank of Ra' and thus wears the Krazzle military uniform.


Spouse Unknown
Children Four known, but Starfleet is unaware of their names or gender
Father Unknown
Mother Unknown
Brother(s) One is known to be deceased, but it's unknown if there are others
Sister(s) Unknown
Other Family Unknown

Personality & Traits

General Overview Fearsome warrior, cunning. Devious at times if necessary to reach his goals. Very smart, can see the entire situation (big picture). Tactically sound in battle. Is willing to loose the small battle to win the war. Is a traditional Krazzle, putting the Empire first, then his Clan, then Family.

During space battles, has been known to beam off members of the opposing ship aboard his own to be used as slave labor.
Strengths & Weaknesses Physically strong. Smart. Brilliant ship commander, however he's not a diplomat and finds diplomatic meetings 'disgusting and boring'.

Considered to be middle aged for a Krazzle male, which means younger males will at times attempt to challenge him, however he's been able to defeat all challenges thus far.
Ambitions Unknown
Hobbies & Interests Unknown
Languages Krazzle, Federation Standard, some Klingon, some Romulan

Personal History Unknown
Service Record Not much is known about his military history. Known to have become a ship commander at the age of 23. Was involved in the first contact 'incident' with the Federation in 2374 when his ships attacked the USS Pegasus-A and USS Bonaventure.

In 2376, Graline lead Krazzle fleets to victory over the Klingons on three occasions during their brief war.

In 2377 when the Krazzle clans finally came together to form a unified Imperial Government during the Klingon War, Graline was selected as their first Emperor.

In 2384, Graline opposed the peace treaty between the Krazzle and Federation, but viewed it as necessary to give the Krazzle time to recover from their war with the Klingons and the Borg attacks of 2381. However, later that year, the Krazzle broke the treaty and crossed into Federation space. Graline's ship again faced off against Admiral Bremer's USS Pegasus and both suffered heavy damage.

In 2389, the Krazzle went to war with the C'hakilians, and Graline directed much of the military action, even going into battle a few times himself, winning each engagement he fought in.