Captain L'Verrem

Name L'Verrem

Position Former SB400 Crew member

Rank Captain


  • 14 Mission Posts

Last Post

Thu Feb 26th, 2015 @ 2:10am

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Caitian
Age 46

Physical Appearance

Height 6'2"
Weight 220
Hair Color Tan and Brown
Eye Color Green
Physical Description His body fur is a light tan and his mane is a cinnamon brown. L'verrem keeps his mane long in the back, sometimes in a tail clasped with a metal ring with inscribed with a Caitian religious blessing. When permissible, he wears a necklace consisting of a small stone circle with a hole through with an inscription in Caitian calligraphy and a leather string. He has a long tail with the same fur colors.

Caitains have greatly heightened senses of touch, smell, sight, and hearing, compared to humans. The pads on his hands and feet are extremely sensitive and can detect vibrations much smaller in amplitude and longer in frequency than humans. L'Verrem's ears move independently and will subconsciously be constantly scanning around unless he is paying attention to someone or something. His sight allows him to see in much lower light levels than humans, but at the cost of reduced color distinction at standard lighting levels. L'Verrem does not wear shoes in most cases as his foot pads provide adequate protection and allow him to move stealthily. He is able sprint at speeds of up to 25 mph for brief timespans.

 Caitians use body language as part of their communication technique. The degree of his tail motion and the setting of his eyes, ears, and whiskers are all important indicators.


Spouse None.
Father L'talm, Diplomat
Mother M'rsha, Molecular Biologist, Daystrom Institute
Brother(s) 2 brothers
Sister(s) 2 sisters

Personality & Traits

General Overview L'verrem is very friendly and intensely loyal to those he calls friends. He develops very close bonds with them and will defend them like they were family. He is a highly social creature, and spends most of his time around others. He treats others with deep respect and honor. He will almost always refer to others with their full rank and name, as is Caitian tradition to show respect. In informal settings, he may not always use rank, but will always use a person's full name. Single names are reserved only for a Caitian's mate or descendant family member. Like most other Caitians, he has a great appreciation for beauty and art (some of the Federation's other races would label Caitians almost hedonistic in their pursuit of them). He carries out his duties with zeal and efficiency to honor his commanding officer and his shipmates. He will attempt to avoid combat, using violence as a last option. When he must use it, he fights to win.

The Caitian native language is more precise in description than Federation Standard and thus does not use figures of speech. This sometimes causes L'Verrem to misunderstand humans, taking a figure of speech literally. As much as he has tried to learn what specific figures of speech mean, new ones are always appearing. He has concluded he may never understand them all, but does find this use of language an interesting art form. Native Cait also doesn't use contractions, so he will speak Federation standard without using them.
Strengths & Weaknesses L'Verrem's strength is in his loyalty to his friends, his commanding officer, and to the ideals of the Federation. He cannot be bribed or coerced to betray them. He has taken his studies of Cait's Great Messenger to heart and lives them the best he can. Like most other Caitians, he will not seek to use force until absolutely necessary (Caitians are generally pacifistic). This may cause him to hesitate to use force when it is called for, causing a vulnerability that an adversary could exploit.
Hobbies & Interests L'Verrem is a devout follower of the teachings of Cait's Great Messenger, who long ago united Cait's tribes and taught them to live in peace with one another. He is also prideful of his Cait heritage and follows Caitian traditions, and enjoys sharing them with others. He is an avid music lover and plays the Caitian stringed instrument, the Mgrrrrr'than. He regularly meets with other musicians for weekly music playing sessions, and will play at certain events to entertain his shipmates. L'verrem greatly enjoys traditional Caitian calligraphy, as well as Vulcan, Bajoran, and Japanese writing styles. He is adept at Caitian calligraphy and is learning Vulcan and Bajoran styles. He is also a student of Rakun, a traditional fighting discipline using a rapier-like sword and a dagger (called the rakgr'n and raksir). He also collects little works of art from the places he visits.
Languages Federation Standard, Cait

Personal History L'Verrem's first assignment was the USS New York where he served a planetary surveyor. During that year, he helped survey five worlds that held potential for colonization. His next assignment would take him to the planet of Iskander IV, a geologically unstable, but otherwise inhabitable world. He spent three years there surveying the planet for the optimal places for geological stabilization systems and putting them in place. Iskander IV now has a colony of over three thousand people.

L'Verrem's next project led him to Canaileus prime, having just been terraformed. He took part in selecting an initial set of life forms to initiate a sustainable biosphere. His tour of duty was cut short when his expertise was required in the Typhon Expanse. The USS Monarch spent three years surveying the area for habitable worlds and those that can be terraformed. The mission discovered fifty three prime candidate M-Class worlds or those that could be terraformed. L'Verrem received a promotion and a transfer to a Sovereign-Class starship, the USS Pacifica, where he served first as Chief Science Officer, then later as Executive Officer.

In 2383, he was promoted to Captain and given command of the Luna-class USS Horizon on a five year deep space survey mission to the Delta Quadrant. At the end of the mission, L'Verrem was summoned to Starfleet Headquarters to serve on a Federation Colonial Authority strategic planning committee on colonizing the Delta Quadrant.

In 2390, the committee made its final report to the Federation Council, who gave the Colonial Authority to proceed with the plan. L'Verrem was then reassigned to Starbase 400 as it's Chief Science Officer. Seemingly an odd next assignment, Star Fleet Command had good reasons to place him there, even if they did not share them with L'Verrem.
Service Record 2371-2372 Cadet cruise: USS New York, Science Officer-Planetary Survey

3272-2375 Iskander IV Geological Stabilization Project

2375: Canaileus Prime Biosphere Initiation Project

2376-2379- USS Monarch Typhon Expanse Habitable Planet Survey

2379-2381 USS Pacifica, Chief Science Officer

2381-2383 USS Pacifica, Executive Officer

2383-2388 USS Horizon, Luna-Class Deep Space Surveyor, Commanding Officer

2388-2390 Delta Quadrant Colonization Strategic Planning Committee Member, Federation Colonial Authority

2390-Chief Science Officer, Starbase 400
Simming History 30+years
How did you hear about Starbase 400 Long time associate of Mike Bremer.