Major Jethro "Jett" Sherman

Name Jethro "Jett" Preston Sherman

Position 22nd Marine Regiment Commander

Rank Major


  • 5 Mission Posts

Last Post

Sat Apr 6th, 2024 @ 1:32am

Character Information

Gender Male
Species human
Age 32

Physical Appearance

Height 6'4
Weight 192
Hair Color dark brown
Eye Color blue
Physical Description Jett is tall and well muscled. He carries himself with confidence.


Spouse none
Children none
Father James Jethro
Mother Ella Mae
Brother(s) James Jr.
Sister(s) none
Other Family none

Personality & Traits

General Overview Jett is serious while at work and has a great sense of humor. He tries to treat people fairly with respect.
Strengths & Weaknesses Jett believes in the marine code. He is honrable, honest and know to keep things to himself. He follows orders and loves what he does.

Jett can be stubborn and outspoken
Ambitions Keep rising through the ranks
Hobbies & Interests Playing cards, spending time with friends. Working out. An avid reader.
Languages standard

Personal History EARLY YEARS:
Jett was born in a marine hospital, both of his parents served in the Starfleet Marines.Though his given name is Jethro, he was nicknamed Jett at a young age and it stuck with him. He is the middle child of three boys. From a very young age, Jethro knew he wanted to be a marine, just like his parents. He wasn’t the only one, both of his brothers had the same aspirations

Jett had a strict and disciplined upbringing. His parents believed in raising their children so that when they grew up they would be good, moral and just men who were worthy to serve in the marines.

While there was discipline, they also felt love and a closeness with each other. When off duty, they took trips as a family. There were many times the boys could be found playing baseball with their parents and other kids within their unit. Jett’s favorite times were when they would go camping and live off the land, or when their father took them to practice with weapons, wanting them to grow up respecting them and know all the rules for owning and operating a weapon.

Education did not come easy to Jett. he had to work hard to get good grades. It was a source of frustration for him but he had goals and the determination to succeed. His best friend was Enzo Higgins. They met when Enzo became his tutor for one of his classes and they hit it off. The boys were inseparable throughout school.

Where Enzo was the more intelligent student, Jett was more athletic, something Enzo wanted to be. There was a balance in their friendship where Jethro helped Enzo to gain some strength and muscle. Jethro played football while Enzo ended up on the wrestling team.

While they were in their junior year of high school, Jett met Amira Cooper. He thought she was beautiful. Jett asked her out and they started dating. Their relationship was rocky from the start. Amira resented his time spent with Enzo and during football season she really felt left out. Jett tried his best to make her happy but he realized that she wanted to change him. Things really heated up when she informed him he would have to change his plans for the future if he wanted to be with her because she wasn’t marrying a marine. Jett realized then and there that they weren’t meant for each other and broke off with her. Jett felt a sense of relief and that was when he realized that he had done the right thing.

Jett and Enzo worked hard their senior year of high school to keep their grades up and enjoy that last year of hanging out together, camping with Jett’s family because they both knew once they went to the marine academy their lives would change. After graduation, they headed to the Marine Academy.


Jett had heard tales of how hard training would be. He spent his first year at the academy learning discipline, things like standing at attention for long periods of time without moving. The initial things that prepare him for the next three years of training. Jett didn’t have much time that first year for anything outside of getting his training behind him.

He spent the next three years learning to make sound decisions, to take seriously those marines that would serve under him. The instructors were merciless and though at times, Jett felt he could start to hate them, he knew they were teaching all of them to be the very best they could be. The combination of leadership training, physical endurance, mental testing, academic all rolled into three years was demanding and yet rewarding at the same time. He worked hard to ensure his instructors saw him as one who stuck out in the crowd.

Jett met Hayley Jeffries and went out with her for several months while at the academy. He found that she distracted him from his mission. Hayley accused him of putting himself first and not considering her future at all. She even told him she thought he was being selfish. That he only cared about himself and his life and goals. After a long look at himself, Jett agreed. This was not the time in his life to consider any kind of relationship. He was giving one hundred percent of himself to the marines and graduating into a good position. Jett knew he made the right decision, especially after he found out she had gotten pregnant and aborted the baby without speaking to him. That was unforgivable, that she would not include him or at least hear him out.

Jett was pleased at the end of his four years at the academy that he was going to be a company commander and ranked as a 2nd Lieutenant. His graduation was even more special, graduating alongside Enzo, with both of their families present. Jett hoped that when it was Brody’s turn to stand there that he would be able to be present but being in the marines, you could not promise anything. Jett found out shortly after graduation he was being assigned to the base in Arizona, on Earth.


Planet Earth - Arizona

Jett arrived at the base in Arizona, pulling on all the tools he had learned while at the academy and the advice passed onto him from his instructors and his father. He was given the rank of 2nd Lieutenant which he expected it would be.

As a company commander, Jett jumped right into training his troops. He pushed them to ensure they had a high level of readiness, using battle-focused training.

Jett knew that he was being watched, judged on his performance, leadership abilities and training style. He gave it his all, using all the skills he had learned so far.

When he wasn’t working, Jett enjoyed playing cards with some of the other officers and worked out, to keep himself in top shape. At this point in his career he didn’t want to get involved in a personal relationship with anyone. He wanted to stay focused on his career.


Two years into serving, Jett was reassigned as Battalion XO on Earth in Texas and increased to 1st Lieutenant. Jett moved from the training realm to fielding staff that came to see his command officer. He fielded a lot of the paperwork to keep his command officer free to plan the unit's next move or work on strategy. Pretty much, Jett did most of the things the CO either didn’t want to do nor had time for. Jett made certain things run smoothly with their unit.

Jett had a good working relationship with his command officer. They would have working meals together and Jett saw how he balanced his position and his family as well. Jett knew it couldn’t be easy having a wife and two children while serving on a starship. He had never thought about what his parents had to do to make their lives work. Jett really wanted that relationship,which his parents had but he struggled with it as he wasn’t certain he could have it all. Instead, he chose to date casually, leaving no doubt that he didn’t want a long term relationship.

At the end of his time at the base, Jett had some time so he stopped to see Enzo and his wife. He also got to meet his godson, Little Jett, who was named after him.

Planet Vulcan

Two years later, Jett was assigned as Battalion CO on Vulcan. At the same time he was promoted to Captain. This was a big move for him, he was excited to leave Earth and be a part of the bigger picture, as well as spend time on a world with another species. Jett felt proud of himself but not in a self serving way. He had worked hard and it was paying off for him. This was an important step for him. He was solely responsible for his unit's victories or failures. He was essentially the face of the unit. Jett utilized the officers under him to make certain his unit was trained well and battle ready. It was also a change from where he used to play cards with the men, he had to keep that level of his position between them. He chose his friends carefully. Jett always maintained a high level of secrecy where his job and position were concerned. That was essential to being a marine.

Jett found life on Vulcan different and yet interesting. When he had time off, he utilized it to study their culture and made a friend, V’Lar. V’Lar was interested in learning more about Humans and they met weekly, sharing about each other’s way of life. Even after Jett left Vulcan he maintained their friendship.

Jett finally felt ready to date. He met Sierra Morganstein while serving on Vulcan and they started dating. She was there through a science study program. Jett felt himself falling for her. She had become really important to him. Jett still maintained a friendship with Enzo, whose marine career was going well. Enzo was married and had a son and daughter. Jett had been honored when Enzo told him he’d named his son after him.

Jett began to feel from the way Sierra talked that her feelings for him were not as deep as his. He finally brought up the future and by Sierra’s reaction he knew that his gut instinct had been right. She wasn’t looking for any permanence. Jett informed her that he couldn’t see her anymore. After that, he made a decision, one he knew he had to stick with. He wasn’t cut out for relationships. It was better to keep it casual.

Planet Andor

It was shortly after ending his relationship with Sierra that Jett was once again transferred. He packed his things and headed to Andor, where he was assigned as Regiment Executive Officer and promoted to Major.

Jett found Andor to be worlds apart from Vulcan. Andorians were a very militaristic society. Jett felt it important that he find old what he could and studied their Imperial Guard. It was much harder to forge friendships there as their people tended to be distrustful of other cultures. And even though he knew it was extremely cold there, Jett hadn’t imagined it. He learned to live with the temperature but knew it wasn’t a place he wanted to stay for a long time.

Jett dived into his position as XO of the regiment just as he had with each position before. The responsibility level had increased dramatically and he excelled at it. Jett connected well with his command officer, they had a level of trust between them that he had not felt with anyone before, he would never admit it but even with Enzo. Jett was the one in charge when the CO was out of the office and he always maintained a high level of responsibility, feeling comfortable with making decisions on behalf of the CO in emergency situations. It was at the end of his first year there that Jett was promoted to Captain.

When the position of Regiment Commander came up, Jett dismissed it from his mind. It was only when his CO called him in and told him he had recommended him for the position. Jett wasn’t certain he wanted to go into deep space and serve on a station. His commander argued the point and Jett looked at it from a new perspective. It was an advancement, his command officer had put his reputation on the line to recommend him for. Jett had limited himself to planetary assignments, it was time for him to branch out. The true reason Jett had been hesitant was he knew that far out it would be a long time before he saw his family again. It had already been several years. They were close and a part of him didn’t want to make that distance bigger. After a talk with his parents, who adamantly told him not to hold back on his career, he was on board with going.

Jett had always been ready to try new things and the move made sense. There were many possibilities to meet new people and he wouldn’t have to deal with the biting cold on Andor anymore. He accepted the position and headed there excited for this new position.


In 2401, Jett headed to Starbase 400, where he would serve as Regiment Commander.

Service Record Service Record:

2401 - Present
Starbase 400
Regiment CO
(Rank unknown yet)

2397 - 2399
Planet Earth - Arizona
Regiment XO

2395 - 2397
Planet Earth -Texas
Battalion CO

2393 - 2395
Planet Vulcan
Battalion XO
1st Lieutenant

2391 - 2393
Planet Andor
Company Commander
2nd Lieutenant

2387 - 2391
Starfleet Marine Academy
Marine Officer Training
Simming History Simmed in many different fleets, including Bravofleet.
How did you hear about Starbase 400 Well from J, but I am already here as Dr. Woodhouse.