Lieutenant Commander Leighton 'Leia' Dhej

Name Leighton 'Leia' Dhej

Position Strategic Operations Officer

Rank Lieutenant Commander


  • 3 Mission Posts

Last Post

Tue Jan 30th, 2024 @ 10:54am

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Trill
Age 30

Physical Appearance

Height 5'5 ft
Weight 110 Ibs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown


Personality & Traits

General Overview Leia Dhej is a 30-year-old strategic operations officer who has dedicated herself to a life of service and leadership in the realm of space exploration. Her journey has been one of perseverance and ambition, as she steadily climbed the ranks to achieve the prestigious position of First Officer aboard the USS Falcon and the role of Strategic Operations Officer at Starbase 400.
Strengths & Weaknesses Leia is a fascinating blend of qualities that make her a unique and memorable individual. Her gentle and lovable nature endears her to those around her, while her sneaky streak adds an element of intrigue to her character. At times, she can also be delightfully lazy, which balances her driven and ambitious professional life with moments of relaxation and spontaneity. Leia Dhej feels that her life is a dynamic journey of ambition, love, and personal growth, and she continues to explore the cosmos while embracing the intricacies of human connection and self-discovery.
Ambitions To become a Starship Captain
Hobbies & Interests Beyond her demanding career, Leia has a passion for arts and crafts, channeling her creativity into various artistic endeavors. She's also a fitness enthusiast, frequently hitting the gym to maintain her physical well-being. But perhaps her most cherished moments are spent engaging in activities with her daughter, creating precious memories and nurturing a strong bond.
Languages Trill, English

Personal History Early Childhood:

Leighton Imalda, known as "Leia" to her friends and colleagues, was born and raised on a small agricultural colony on the outskirts of the Trill Homeword in the Federation. Her childhood was marked by a deep connection to the land and a profound sense of community. Her family worked the soil, tending to crops and livestock, instilling in her a strong work ethic and a love for nature.

From a young age, Leia exhibited a keen intellect and a hunger for knowledge that set her apart from her peers. She devoured books on a wide range of subjects, from botany to astrophysics. Her inquisitive mind often led her to daydream about exploring the stars and learning about the vast universe beyond her home planet.

Leia was chosen at a young age to be joined with a Trill Symboint during her twenties, a decision that was made for her by her parents. Leia was not too excited at an early age. She was told this was a standard feeling. Sharing a body was a hard thing to do, for anyone. Especially for one so young.

Leia continued to prepare for the day when she would be joined. She was given special medical care and counseling services to prepare her for the journey. Other Trill children her age were a bit jealous that she was chosen at a young age to be a potential candidate.

High School Years:

Despite the limitations of her rural upbringing, Leia's talents were recognized by a Starfleet recruitment officer visiting her colony. She always felt that her upbringing was limited due to the all the interference from the Trill Consortium and them practically deciding her fate for her. Her intelligence and determination, along with the recommendation of the Trill Consortium offered her the opportunity to attend Starfleet Academy, a dream Leia had never dared to imagine.

Leia needed a distraction, so she dated a few men during her high school days. None of them were ever serious, and none of them wanted to join Starfleet like she did. She dated a few men during that time. By the end of her senior year, she broke it off with her last boyfriend and wanted to start fresh on Betazed. Where she was going to attend Starfleet Academy.

Leia’s Academy Years:

Leia Imalda's journey into the world of strategic operations and space exploration began in her formative years. Growing up on a Trill colony planet, she was fascinated by the stars and the mysteries they held. Her parents, both scientists and farmers, they nurtured her curiosity and instilled in her a love for knowledge and discovery.

At the age of 18, Leia left her home planet to attend Starfleet Academy. It was a challenging experience that tested her determination and intellect. Despite her IQ of 108, she faced obstacles that pushed her to excel. She struggled with imposter syndrome, feeling the pressure to prove herself in a highly competitive environment. However, Leia's resilience and dedication shone through, and she graduated with honors.

At the Academy, Leia pursued her studies with unwavering dedication. She excelled in science and astrophysics, quickly gaining a reputation as a brilliant young officer with a bright future. It was during her time at the Academy that she was selected to become a host for the Trill symbiont named Dhej.

The joining was a transformative experience for Leia. She gained access to centuries of knowledge and memories from previous hosts, each contributing a unique perspective and expertise. Dhej's wisdom and accumulated insights broadened Leia's horizons even further, enhancing her abilities as a Tactincian and strategist.

Dhej's Academy Years:

Dhej had been a joined-symbiont for centuries, with a rich history of previous hosts who had all served with distinction in various capacities within Starfleet. The symbiont had accumulated a wealth of knowledge and experiences over the years, and its wisdom was highly regarded.

As a Starfleet Captain in one of its previous host lives, Dhej had commanded a starship on critical missions of exploration and diplomacy. It had led crews through the challenges of deep space and navigated the complexities of interstellar politics. The symbiont had been an exemplary leader, respected by peers and superiors alike.

However, the time came when the symbiont, now in its current host Leia Imalda, made a significant decision. Leia had always been driven by a desire for a strategic operations field and a fascination with the cosmos. She felt a calling to delve deeper into the mysteries of the universe, to explore the unknown and contribute to the advancement of knowledge.

The transition from Starfleet Captain to 3rd Year Cadet was not without its challenges. Leia had to adapt to the rigorous academic environment of the Academy, relearning some of the basics of starship operations, strategic operations, and starship protocols. Despite being a seasoned officer, she approached her studies with humility, eager to master new skills and perspectives.

Dhej's presence within Leia continued to be a source of guidance and wisdom, offering insights from its past experiences as a Captain while supporting Leia in her cadet journey. The symbiont's unique perspective enriched classroom discussions and fostered a deeper understanding of the practical challenges of space exploration.

As a 3rd Year Cadet, Leia and Dhej embarked on a different kind of adventure—one of personal growth, mentorship, and rediscovery. Together, they embraced the opportunity to bridge the gap between their storied past and their promising future in Starfleet.

This transition story not only showcases the adaptability of the Trill symbiont Dhej but also underscores the importance of personal growth, pursuing one's passions, and the ever-evolving nature of Starfleet and its members.

USS Pegasus:

In 2394, Leia was assigned to the Pegasus. Which was under the command of Fleet Admiral Mike Bremer. She was a junior officer, and she had brief encounters with the admiral. As she progressed through her Starfleet career, Leia served on the Pegasus offering her skills as a strategic operations officer and providing tactical data for the senior staff during their mission preperations.

She used her newfound knowledge and symbiotic connection to help her passion for exploration, combined with Dhej's accumulated wisdom, made her an invaluable asset to the Federation's tactical and strategic divisions.

Dhej was amused by the new field of services. The symboint was a skilled diplomatic officer, and the symboint was learning how to provide tactical information, and formulate strategies to assist the senior staff. The symboint was used to giving orders, now the symboint was providing educated theories to others, so they could make the decision. The symboint had to learn to adapt.

Throughout her career, Leia remained grounded and humble, never forgetting her agricultural roots or the sense of community that had shaped her. Her journey as the host of Dhej was one of personal growth, self-discovery, and a deepening appreciation for the interconnectedness of all life in the universe. Both eventually adapted, becoming one strong unit.

Her first assignment after graduation was aboard the USS Pegasus, a galaxy class refit starship tasked with exploration missions in uncharted regions of space. Leia's role was as a strategic operations officer, and it was during this time that she honed her strategic skills and learned the importance of teamwork in the face of adversity. The experiences she had and the friendships she formed on the Pegasus shaped her into the leader she is today.

In 2395, while Leia was serving aboard the USS Pegasus as the Strategic Operations Officer, she found herself facing one of the most challenging and rewarding journeys of her life – motherhood. The father of Leia's child was Dr. Daniel Reynolds, the station’s medical officer. Their relationship had blossomed over shared late-night shifts in the ship's bustling sickbay. Their common dedication to their duties brought them together, and their friendship soon deepened into a loving partnership.

Leia and Daniel's decision to start a family was a carefully considered one. They were both committed to their careers in Starfleet, and parenthood was a significant step that they embraced with enthusiasm. They were thrilled when they learned that Leia was expecting their child.

As Leia's pregnancy progressed, she continued to excel in her role as Strategic Operations Officer, displaying remarkable adaptability and leadership even as she prepared for motherhood. Her colleagues admired her dedication and grace under pressure.

Kara was born aboard the USS Pegasus, and her arrival brought joy not only to Leia and Daniel but also to the entire ship's crew. Her birth was a moment of celebration and unity among the ship's personnel, reinforcing the sense of family that often develops among those who serve together in the vastness of space.

Leia's transition to motherhood was marked by challenges and sacrifices, as she juggled the demands of her career with the responsibilities of raising a child in deep space. However, she was determined to provide Kara with a nurturing and loving environment, just as she had experienced growing up in her agricultural colony.

Daniel, as a doting father and skilled physician, provided invaluable support during this time. The ship's crew rallied around the young family, offering assistance and camaraderie as they navigated the uncharted territory of parenthood aboard a starship.

Kara grew up surrounded by the wonders of the cosmos, with her parents instilling in her a profound sense of curiosity and a love for exploration. Her early years were filled with stories of distant planets, alien species, and the incredible adventures her parents had experienced together.

As Kara grew, she would go on to inherit not only her mother's intelligence and love for Starfleet but also her father's compassion and dedication to the well-being of others. The combination of these qualities would shape Kara into a remarkable individual with a promising future ahead.

The USS Pegasus had always been a place of camaraderie and trust, a ship where the bonds between its crew were as strong as the hull that protected them. Leia Dhej and Dr. Daniel Reynolds had once epitomized that trust, their love story blossoming under the stars.

As the ship's Strategic Operations Officer and Medical Officer, Leia and Daniel were a dynamic duo, a couple admired and respected throughout the ship. Their colleagues often looked up to them, their partnership symbolizing the deep connections that could form in the rigors of space.

However, in the year 2396, the Tomeka encountered an alien species previously uncharted by the Federation. These aliens were carriers of a powerful, telepathic antigen that infiltrated the minds of unsuspecting crew members. The antigen had a devastating side effect—it manipulated emotions and actions, often leading to irrational behavior.

One fateful night, as the antigen spread through the ship like a silent plague, it found its way into Dr. Daniel Reynolds. The antigen, malevolent and cunning, exploited Daniel's deepest fears and insecurities, driving him to betray the woman he loved.

Under the antigen's influence, Daniel began an affair with another member of the crew. Leia, unaware of the alien's influence, became suspicious of Daniel's behavior and the distance that had grown between them. She confronted him, but the alien's control over his mind prevented him from revealing the truth.

It was only when the ship's science officer discovered the presence of the alien antigen that the horrifying reality became clear. The crew launched a desperate effort to neutralize the threat and protect their colleagues from further harm.

Once the antigen's influence was severed, Daniel was overcome with guilt and remorse. He confessed everything to Leia, explaining the terrifying ordeal he had endured and how it had led to his betrayal. He got the girl pregnant during this encounter.

Leia, heartbroken and devastated, faced an agonizing decision. While she understood the circumstances that had led to Daniel's actions, the breach of trust had left an indelible scar on their relationship. She realized that, for the sake of her own well-being and that of their daughter Kara, she needed to request a transfer to another assignment.

The pain of separation weighed heavily on both Leia and Daniel, but they understood that it was the only way forward. Leia retained custody of Kara, determined to provide her with a stable and loving environment as she continued her career in Starfleet.

Despite the hardship they had endured, Leia and Daniel found a way to maintain a civil co-parenting relationship, united in their love for their daughter and a shared commitment to her well-being.

Leia is transfered and promoted to Chief Strategic Operations Officer of the USS Tomeka continued its mission of exploration, the scars of the alien antigen's influence served as a stark reminder of the challenges that spacefarers could face, both from external threats and the complexities of emotions.

Starbase 126/USS Tomeka

In 2396, The USS Tomeka sailed through the cosmos, its crew engaged in the pursuit of discovery and diplomacy. Among them, Leia Dhej moved with purpose, her role as Chief Strategic Operations Officer requiring her undivided attention. But within her heart, a storm raged—a heartbreak she had never imagined.

The aftermath of Daniel's betrayal weighed heavily on Leia . She had faced down alien threats and navigated the complex web of interstellar politics, but nothing had prepared her for the pain of his infidelity. The alien antigen's influence was a cold, hard truth, but it didn't make the emotional wounds any less real.

In the solitude of her quarters, Leia found solace in the soft glow of her daughter Kara's laughter. The little girl's presence was a source of strength, a reminder that there was still love and joy in her life. With Kara, Leia found the motivation to rebuild her world.

One evening, as the stars painted the sky with their celestial beauty, Leia reached out to her closest friend on the ship, Lieutenant Samantha Rios. Samantha had been there through thick and thin, and she understood the depths of Leia's pain.

Over a cup of steaming tea, Leia began to open up. She shared her fears, her confusion, and the overwhelming sense of betrayal that still lingered. Samantha listened without judgment, offering a shoulder to cry on and a sympathetic ear.

Days turned into weeks, and as Leia began to heal, she realized the importance of self-care. She started attending counseling sessions, seeking guidance from a wise ship's counselor who helped her navigate the tumultuous waters of her emotions.

Physical activity became another outlet for her pain. She rediscovered her love for the ship's gym, pushing herself to new limits, channeling her anger and sorrow into each workout. The exertion brought a sense of catharsis, and she found herself regaining her strength, both physically and emotionally.

Leia also began to revisit her passion for arts and crafts. With Kara by her side, they embarked on creative projects that filled their quarters with colorful and imaginative creations. The shared moments brought smiles and laughter, gradually erasing the shadows of heartbreak.

Her career remained a steadfast anchor, and Leia threw herself into her work with renewed dedication. Her strategic thinking became sharper, her decision-making more incisive. She was determined to excel, not for Daniel, but for herself and her daughter.

As the seasons changed and the stars continued their eternal dance, Leia emerged from the depths of heartbreak. She was not the same person who had been shattered by betrayal. She was stronger, wiser, and more resilient.

While the scars of her past remained, they no longer defined her. Instead, they were a testament to her ability to endure, to grow, and to find hope in the face of despair.

And as she looked to the future, Leia knew that the stars held new adventures and discoveries, waiting to be explored. In 2398 she was promoted to Second Officer. She shared the news with her daughter Kara who was by her side through it all. The two were excited. They spent the next two years growing together and growing stronger.

By 2400, Leia was recommended to attend the XO Academy. She was told she was ready to to serve starfleet. Despite all that she had to overcome, she was able to work her way up the ladder and was one step closer to commanding her own ship someday.

Starbase 400/USS Falcon:

In 2401, Leia was assigned to Starbase 400 as a Strategic Operations Officer and to the support vessel the USS Falcon as Executive Officer. For Leia this was a significant achievement that marked her ascent in Starfleet's ranks. Her leadership and strategic acumen were recognized by her superiors, and she was subsequently assigned to Starbase 400 as the Strategic Operations Officer, responsible for overseeing security and intelligence matters.

Leia's personal life has had its share of ups and downs. Her relationship with Shannon Craig James was one of the highlights, but the trust issues that led to their breakup served as a valuable lesson in matters of the heart.

Throughout her career and personal life, Leia Dhej has learned to balance her gentle and lovable nature with her cunning strategic thinking. She continues to be a source of inspiration to those who serve alongside her, and her journey is a testament to the potential for growth and evolution, even among the stars.

This character history provides some context for Leia's development and highlights key moments in her life that have shaped her into the person she is today. It also adds depth and richness to her character, making her even more interesting and

Service Record 2401-Present

Starbase 400 Strategic Operations Officer
USS Falcon Executive Officer


Starbase 126 Strategic Operations Officer
USS Tomeka Chief Strategic Operations Officer
(2398-2400) Second Officer/Chief Strategic Operations Officer


Starbase 400 Strategic Operations Officer
USS Pegasus Strategic Operations Officer


Starfleet Academy ~ Strategic Operations Cadet