Lieutenant Savin

Name Savin

Position Doctor

Second Position Medical Officer

Rank Lieutenant


  • 1 Mission Posts

Last Post

Sun Feb 12th, 2023 @ 11:29am

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Vulcan
Age 70

Physical Appearance

Height 6'3"
Weight 180
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Green


Spouse T'shir, lives on Vulcan and works for the Vulcan Science Academy
Children T'Lenn, a recent Academy graduate and Starfleet Officer serving in another sector

Personality & Traits

General Overview Savin was born and raised on Vulcan, and participated in the kolinahr when he was 27 years old. He was a Doctor on Vulcan for thirty years when logic dictated that he would be a better medical officer if he were challenged more frequently. This led him to Starfleet Academy where he was able to accelerate his studies so that he could become an officer in Starfleet.

Savin is confident in his abilities as a doctor, some have called him arrogant though he would dispute that characteristic. Generally speaks literally and directly. However, over the years in Starfleet and being around humans, he has been known to make an ironic comment every now and then. He justifies his use of humor in that it is logical to adopt methods of communicating with humans in that helps build connections and trust among colleagues.

Savin's day to day life is structured around routine.
Strengths & Weaknesses Logic is both Savin's strength and his weakness. Logic can help him find the answer to the most complicated puzzles, but when the answer isn't logical he can become befuddled. Although literal and logical, he has been in Starfleet for 15 years now, and his time around humans has softened him a bit, though he rarely shows this side of himself.
Hobbies & Interests Suus Mahna (ancient Vulcan martial art), strategema, chess, meditation
Languages Vulcan, Federation Standard, Romulan

Service Record Graduated Medical School at the Vulcan Medical Academy when he was 28

Served as a Physician on Vulcan until he was 57

Admitted to Starfleet Academy at 57, was fast-tracked through officer training and graduated at age 59

Two years of Residency at Starfleet Medical

Began active service at age 61.

Recently transferred to SB 400 as a medical officer, and assigned to the USS Cushing as CMO and attending physiciant