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Site work and Awards

Posted on Sun Jun 30th, 2013 @ 5:13am by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer

With Mission 83 winding down, I wanted to give everyone a little reminder. Here in NOVA, on the right hand side, you'll see that you can nominate your fellow members for Awards. There are several In Character and Out of Character Awards you can nominate your fellow SB400 members (or yourself if you want) for. Once nominated, Mel and I will review and if we feel the award is justified, we'll announce it to everyone. So, if you feel someone had 'gone above and beyond' during the previous month (doesn't have to be just in the current mission, but anything within the last calender month), submit a nomination! Each award is fully described, including what the person 'should' do to receive the award. We already have 1 nomination in for June, let's see how many more we can get!

Also, thanks to your feedback on the current Monthly Poll on the main site, I have been looking for Alien Starbase pics. I have a good one for Klingon Armored Stations and a couple for Cardassian stations, but I can't find anything (screen cap or gfx pic) for Romulan stations. I will keep looking, then set up pages for the ones I have.

In the meantime, I have been working on the 'Where Are They Now' section. I have full bios up for all 'Enterprise' and 'TOS' personnel. The bios are about 95% canon (duh!) and 5% novel information, speculation, backstage info, or info I've made up to fill the gaps or even tie in SB400. Just like SB400 itself, 'WATN' is canon info, mixed with parts of simi-canon and SB400's history to make something unique and special. I hope you'll all enjoy and find some use for the info. It will take me longer to get the TNG, DS9, and VOY info posted, but I'm working as fast as possible.

Keep up the good work everyone, these JPs for Mission 83 have been great! Thank you all!!



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