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General Update

Posted on Wed Sep 21st, 2016 @ 10:57pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer

Things have been a little slow lately, I know. We have two big JPs ongoing, one with the Marines and Diplomats at Arcanus IV and the other with the Yorktown at Nimbus III. Both are on going and while it might look like nothing is happening, rest assured something is. For those of you who have characters still on the Station, please feel free to post. Security could be working to make sure none of the Romulan 'guests' are getting out of line, or checking security systems following the attack on Bremer. Ops and Engineering could be working on the Pegasus or damaged Romulan ships. Civilians doing civilian things. Etc, etc.

I know I've been really busy lately getting settled into the role of BF's Task Force 99 CO but things have calmed down some there and I was able to finally update awards on the SB400 site received for Episode 92. I'm hoping they'll be more nominations for Episode 93! I've also updated the mission logs, crew manifest, and some info in the Database.

So let's keep moving forward. If you're not sure what to do in a JP you're involved in, ask. If you're not sure what your character might be doing on the Station, PM me and we can come up with ideas together.



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