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Episode 92 Awards

Posted on Mon Sep 12th, 2016 @ 11:12pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer

I apologize for taking so long to get these out. Between waiting extra time to see if more would be nominated and then the HDD issues with my laptop it just took longer than planned.

Without further ado, here's Episode 92's Awards. Congratulations to you all! I'll be updating the main site tomorrow.

OOC Awards;
Michael / aka Lieutenant Isen - Donation Award - For making a donation to help keep SB400 online in 2016.

Kat/aka Lieutenant Hades - Sim's New Star Award - For writing and developing NPC's and outgoing in JP's.

Shelly/aka Lieutenant General Hurd - Sim's Post/Poster of the Episode - I would like to nominate the writer for Jewel Hurd for Poster of the Episode. Her logs with David Hurd were amazing. The story was well thought out and how it flowed was amazing. All the posts showed depth and great emotions. They were posts that kept you interested and I can't wait to continue to read the story line!

Brandon/aka Colonel David Hurd - Sim's Post/Poster of the Episode - His logs with Jewel Hurd were amazing. The story was well thought out and how it flowed was amazing. All the posts showed depth and great emotions. They were posts that kept you interested and I can't wait to continue to read the story line!

IC Awards:
Lieutenant Hades - Medical Achievement Award - For discovering the nutrient Arsenic. Key to healthy Reman cellular cohesion. And fearlessly implementing a treatment. That will save Captain Casion.

Captain Deborah Casion - Purple Heart - Her sustained injury from the pirate battle on Kaleb III


Fleet Admiral Mike K'Wor Bremer - Starbase 400 Commanding Officer - Ares Operational Theater Commander -

Vice Admiral James K'Temoc Bremer - USS Yorktown-F - Task Force 99 Commanding Officer


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