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4/22 Update

Posted on Wed Apr 22nd, 2015 @ 12:34pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer

Hey everyone, I have a few updates.

1) Liam (aka Captain L'Verrem is taking a LOA due to RL time constraints. We will move forward with the mission though).

2) Ani (aka Baratan) is also on LOA so her character will be used as needed for the rest of Mission 87, then we can mention her off the station during Mission 88 until she returns.

3) I am very happy to announce that Anthony (aka Brody) is returning to SB400 after a long ELOA. He’ll jump into Mission 87 if he’s ready (catches up) otherwise he’ll return during Mission 88.

4) I would like to move forward and try to get Mission 87 finished by the end of the month. We’re close to the end, so let’s keep posting and moving along please.

5) Mission 88 will take place on SB400, everyone will be on the Station, no separate groups for this mission. I’ve already worked out the main plot, but there will be a few subplots going on too. It’ll be mainly a character development type mission, so be thinking what you’d like to do with your characters!


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