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Important SB400 Simm Update

Posted on Thu Feb 26th, 2015 @ 11:24pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer

I want to keep you all in the loop about a change to Starbase 400. While this doesn't affect ANY day to day simming activity, it's important none the less and I want you all to be aware.

As of today, Starbase 400 has separated itself from The Ninth Fleet. This wasn't an easy decision to make, but one that had to be made. It's been a long time coming, and after much thought, discussion, and weighing the pros and was a decision that had to be made.

Below is the announcement I posted to The Ninth Fleet. I know some of you have your own simms and fanfic games there, it is 100% your choice if you wish to remain with The Ninth or leave with Starbase 400.

For now, Starbase 400 will be an Independent Simm as we work on a possible affiliation with another group. Until then, we're on our own...but we've been on our own before and we've always survived...thanks to all of you and your dedication.

So let's get back to what we do best, writing great stories about the final frontier!

I took some time away from these forums for several reasons. One was responsibilities, work, then injuries from a car wreck all gave me little time to simm, much less be in the forums. Truthfully, another reason I stopped coming here was due to some of the members in this forum. While I refuse to say the name(s) of these people, I’m sure you all know who I’m referring to. It became too much of a hassle to log into the forums only to see people arguing about things, or to post up ideas or suggestions only to see this particular person always wanting to argue about things. Even after that person/people were warned, the attitude, disrespect, and general BS continued. It was so bad that my simm, Starbase 400 lost 4 players because of said person and the simm nearly left the group. It was only after others in the group asked and begged us to stay that we did. Sadly though, upon returning, I see nothing has changed. The simming side of The Ninth is dead, the forums and wiki are littered with dead simms, and unless you play STO or other MMOs you’re pretty much an outcast here. Gone are the days people logged in to chat, share ideas, something argue only to ‘shake hands’ and chat/discuss things afterwards and work out the differences. From my perspective, simming is dead in this group, with the exception of a few simms that get no support from the group itself when/if they ask for help or post up ideas. The Ninth Fleet of today is full of excuses, and if anyone disagrees with ‘how it is’ we are belittled with countless effervescent witticisms and told ‘things are fine’ here.

While I cannot speak for other simms in ‘Task Force 94’, today is the last day for Starbase 400 in The Ninth Fleet. If other simms wish to leave, then their CO/GM needs to post up a message for themselves. This is not something that’s easy to do, I consider some of you friends and have simmed together for years, but times changes. Things change. People change. I have already updated the SB400 listing on and I will be updating the Starbase 400 site itself tonight. Nothing negative will be said, just that SB400 has separated itself from The Ninth as of today.

FG, Thompkins I thank you both for the chance to bring SB400 into The Ninth a few years ago. Where there were growing pains because of the differences in timelines, we worked through and found ways to coexist and I thank you both for your support.

Jake, I can’t thank you enough. While I know you’re still a member of SB400, I still want to publicly thank you for helping me with the NOVA page, as well as all you’ve done for this group in regards to the forums and the wiki.

There are several others that I’ve talked with, and may continue to see around the net and simming world. I wish you the best and hope our paths cross again.

I have no ill will or anger toward anyone that joined The Ninth through gaming mergers. You’ve never done me or Starbase 400 wrong, I...we just feel this group is no longer the home to us that it once was. I wish you all the best and a lot of fun.

Best of luck to you all,

Admiral Mike K'Wor Bremer
Starbase 400 CO
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